Modern Home Design
 The main entrance gate and two-lane drive

Gated Entrance

 The main entrance gate and two-lane drive

The main entrance gate and two-lane drive

 A matching fence runs parallel with the street for 900+ feet

A matching fence runs parallel with the street for 900+ feet

 A more detailed “skirt” with brick borders extending from the gate and intersecting the street at an angle

A more detailed “skirt” with brick borders extending from the gate and intersecting the street at an angle

 Two curved walls (with different radii) transition into alignment with the fence while allowing the entrance to remain square with the drive

Two curved walls (with different radii) transition into alignment with the fence while allowing the entrance to remain square with the drive

 Quick reference drawing for establishing key layout points in the proper sequence

Quick reference drawing for establishing key layout points in the proper sequence

 Shop plans for fabricating the gate leaves

Shop plans for fabricating the gate leaves

 Detail of the main gate reinforcement, aligned to conceal the opener arms

Detail of the main gate reinforcement, aligned to conceal the opener arms

 The main entrance shop drawings for steel column fabrication

The main entrance shop drawings for steel column fabrication

 The service entrance shop drawings for steel column fabrication

The service entrance shop drawings for steel column fabrication

 How structural elements of the main entrance tie into the walls and footings

How structural elements of the main entrance tie into the walls and footings

 Service entrance details and fence column construction

Service entrance details and fence column construction

 Block walls and brick veneer layout

Block walls and brick veneer layout

 Brick coursing for columns and top views of each transition for making templates.

Brick coursing for columns and top views of each transition for making templates.

 Overall dimensions of the buttress walls and entrance columns

Overall dimensions of the buttress walls and entrance columns

 Key for ordering the Limestone wall coping and column capitals

Key for ordering the Limestone wall coping and column capitals

 Capitals for columns

Capitals for columns

 Curved wall coping

Curved wall coping

 Buttress wall coping

Buttress wall coping

 Limestone finial, capping the pilasters at the main gate hinges

Limestone finial, capping the pilasters at the main gate hinges

 Instructions for creating curved wall templates along with a radii chart to keep the brickwork true

Instructions for creating curved wall templates along with a radii chart to keep the brickwork true

 Material schedules

Material schedules

Parker- Entr. Brick Qnty A.jpg