The Pocket Bar
A solution for serving drinks to large gatherings, while allowing the bartenders to regulate access to a prized wine collection
The bar is installed in a butler’s pantry doorway just off the main circulation path
Illustration from the concept proposal
Designed as two self-contained cassettes that slide into pockets within a specially framed wall
Once extended, the bar top folds horizontally and is locked into place by two hinged brackets
Thin metal frames and plywood sheathing keep the door pockets rock solid
Shop drawings for fabricating the metal frames
An overview of how the bar functions and its construction
A cut-list of the pieces forming the ‘knee walls’ (a wall of less than standard height) of the bar
Assembly instructions for fabricating the knee walls
How the hinge mounting blocks relate to the framing and plywood sheathing details
Details for mounting the hinge blocks
Shop plans for the front panels
Details for precisely mounting the hinged brackets
An alternate bar top in marble. Each unit has a 374lb load rating
Installation image from the interior of the butler’s pantry
Hardware specifications